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Rahat's Rafsan Portfolio

Hello, I'm Rahat Rafsan; A business graduate and tech enthusiast!

A marketing major graduate from North South University with the ambition to dedicate my knowledge and creativity to the dynamics of current marketing world with innovative ideas. I have the experience of working across universities, marketing agencies, non-profit organization and have been trained by Grameenphone through their GP Explorers 2.0 program.

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Web Developer

Anybody can code; just like me!

I've learned the basic HTML & CSS. I can now build any simple to moderate websites. Being a business graduate it was a tough challenge to dive into this world of programming but I can tell myself now I did the right thing.

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Digital Marketing

2021-Present | Strategic Planner

I have the experience of working across universities, marketing agencies, non-profit organization and have been trained by Grameenphone through their GP Explorers 2.0 program.

Web Developer

2022-Prsent | Beginner Level Developer

Started from 2022; I began to grow interest on programming and with that gist of interest I have learned HTML & CSS as of yet. I can now build any simple to moderate websites.